Chris Raschka’s In the City

Could a friend be waiting for me? / Too hoo, too hoo. / Coo coo, coo coo.”
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I’ve a review over at the Horn Book of Chris Raschka’s beautiful In the City (Atheneum/Richard Jackson Books, September 2020).
That is here.
Below are some more spreads from the book.
finding yesterday’s old bagels / underneath the picnic tables.
Perhaps I’ll meet my friend today. / Yoo hoo, yoo hoo. / Coo coo, coo coo.”
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Doo doo, doo doo. / Coo coo, coo coo.”
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IN THE CITY. Copyright © 2020 by Chris Raschka. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Atheneum/Richard Jackson Books, New York.