7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #777: Featuring Little Witch Hazel

Look at that! 7-Imp is having it’s 777th week of 7 kicks! This week of special numbers snuck up on me.
I can’t let 2021 fade away without mentioning Phoebe Wahl’s Little Witch Hazel here at 7-Imp, which was released last fall (Tundra Books). I love this book fiercely. Over at Calling Caldecott last week, guest poster Lisa Meidl wrote about it, and I’ll send you there if you want to read more. It is such a magnificent book, and I hope we get to read even more one day about this character and her world.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) We got a lot of (for middle Tennessee) snow this week. This beats tornado watches any day.
2) I devoured Maggie O’Farrell’s After You’d Gone over the holidays (and want someone else to discuss THE LAST PARAGRAPH with me!).
2½) Starting Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun as a read-aloud with the daughters.
3) Bingeing Sherlock, this time with our daughters.
4) The Lost Daughter (the film, though I read and loved the book last year).
5) The Power of the Dog and one particular beautifully shot scene.
5½) The fact that, clearly, I had a very Benedict Cumberbatch (and daughters) kind of week.
6) I love to read about how the English language evolves (which means I loooove new slang, even though I don’t use it, because it always manages to sound like this nearly-50-year-old is trying too hard), and I heard on the latest episode of the podcast Word Matters (a Merriam-Webster podcast) that “because” has been entered into their dictionary as a preposition. !! (You know when the young people say things such as “I’m going to go get vaccinated, because science.”) I love this so much. It’s rather epic. Also entered? “Amirite” and “fluffernutter.” Here are the other new words they added.
7) New work that I enjoy.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
Happy 777th week, Jules! Happy 777th week, Imps!
Jules: Thank you for the fun link to the words!
My kicks from the past week:
1) Warm meals
2) Layers
3) Completed
4) Fresh produce
5) Inspiration
6) Ideas
7) Blend
Little Witch Hazel looks so much fun! Can totally get behind a story about “a feisty little witch with a big heart” and all her friends.
Happy 777th week!
Jules – SNOW!! So much better than tornado watches. Love that you had such a full week with and about daughters.
Little Willow – yay for fresh produce, warm meals, ideas and inspiration! Completed may be one of my favorite words.
My kicks this week
1) Visiting a new food cart center in my neighborhood, and getting a vegan bacon jalapeño patty melt that was super delicious! (And that food cart is donating a portion of January proceeds to the local rescue that brought Daisy to Portland from Los Angeles.)
2) Two sunny days in a row!
3) Watched “I’m Your Man” with Dan Stevens and cannot recommend it enough. A charming, delightful movie.
4) Watched “Star Struck” and now have another New Zealand talent to follow. Rose Matafeo is so funny.
5) Starting a project for the year that is very much inspired by 7 Imps 7 Kicks! A jar with one good thing from each week written about and sealed in an envelope – to be opened and read at the end of 2022.
6) This tweet had me crying I was laughing so hard: https://twitter.com/sarapascoe/status/912813676998135808
7) Daisy has been demanding longer walks. She’s still slower these days, but her muscle tone is good and she’s still feisty at 15!
7.5) Laughter. Lots and lots of laughter got me through this first week back after the holidays.
Have a great week Imps!
Little Willow: Yes, I agree with Rachel that there is a definite satisfaction to “completed.”
Rachel: Love that fifth kick. And ohmygod that tweet. I’m dying, as the young people say. That IS funny. Love that first kick too and saw those photos on Instagram and was drooling. Hugs to Daisy!