Final SBBT interview
June 23rd, 2007 by Eisha and JulesDon’t miss the final Summer Blog Blast Tour interview today: Justina Chen Headley over at Finding Wonderland. Go here to read this great interview.
Whew. We can’t believe it’s the last day. What a blast (pun intended) it’s been!
And, in case you missed all the action, go here to this great list of authors interviewed in the SBBT (organized by author) at HipWriterMama’s site. Thanks, Vivian! Oh, and Little Willow has a wrap-up here, too — a full SBBT schedule with all the links. Excellent.
We were honored to be a part of this. Thanks to the SBBT mama, Colleen Mondor, for coordinating this entire thing (here’s her “moment for reflection” about the entire venture).