Guest Blogging at ForeWord Magazine

Hi, everyone. Just a quick note to say that we will be guest blogging at ForeWord Magazine in their Shelf Space column (“Booksellers and Librarians talk about what’s in their reading room and what’s on the horizon”) for the next few weeks. Eisha took week one, and I’ll take another . . . and we plan to co-write some pieces, too.
Here is Eisha’s write-up, which was posted yesterday. It’s entitled, “Those Crazy Kids: Depression Remains a Hot Topic in Young Adult Fiction,” and in it she discusses her impressions of a few recent titles that feature clinically depressed characters, including It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini (Hyperion, 2006); Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You by Peter Cameron (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007); Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007); and Get Well Soon by Julie Halpern (Feiwel & Friends, 2007).
We are looking forward to the rest of our articles over at ForeWord. If you’re not familiar with them, you can read all about it here. Bottom line: They are a bi-monthly review journal of books from independent presses. In early September, they launched a new web site featuring blogs from publishing insiders and librarians and booksellers. Their inaugural bloggers were Michael Cairns and Betsy Bird, a.k.a. Fuse. We’re honored to be working with them.
Happy Saturday to all . . .
Congratulations! How fantastic! Great topic for the first post – serious and serious.
Whoa! Check you out being the Popular Kids and all, guest blogging on YA coolth!
Way to go!
Thanks, guys. It is quite the honor. And thanks, Jules, for bragging on me here.
I emailed the ForeWord article to my sister. I know she’ll want to read some of these.
Congrats, you guys!
Woo hoo, guys! That is awesome!
I’ve got it in my bloglines.
Congratulations! I hope that this brings you lots of new readers, because your blog deserves to be read by everyone.
Congratulations! The two of you so deserve this. Wahoo!