Blogging for a Cure, Day Four

Here is the Robert’s Snow illustrator-and-snowflake feature schedule for Thursday, October 18 (pictured here is Cece Bell’s ’05 snowflake, “Sock Monkey’s Wonderful Winter Wear”).
In this below schedule, the illustrator’s name links to his/her website, but click on the blog to be taken to that blogger’s snowflake/illustrator feature:
* Brooke Dyer, featured by Leila Roy at bookshelves of doom
* D.B. Johnson, featured by Elisabeth Rose Gruner at Lessons from the Tortoise
* Erin Eitter Kono, featured by Sam Riddleburger at his blog
* Sherry Rogers, featured by Loree Griffin Burns at A Life in Books
* Jennifer Thermes, featured by Gail Maki Wilson at Through the Studio Door
Did you see yesterday’s features? Did you read all about Diane deGroat’s taxidermy collection, which aids in her illustrating, at jama rattigan’s alphabet soup? Do you know how snowflakes are like potato chips? Rick Chrustowski can tell you at Laura Purdie Salas’ blog. And you can read here about the process of painting with acrylics while illustrator Don Tate talks about the painting of his snowflake, as pointed out at Pam Calvert’s The Silving Lining yesterday. All five features were fun to read, and thanks again to all the bloggers involved in this spread-the-word effort.
Don’t forget this new page here at 7-Imp, which lists all the illustrator features thus far in one spot.
Sock Monkey! I must bid on the sock monkey, as I hear from Lisa Yee and others that they are the cure for writer’s block!!
Thank you so much for showing Cece’s Sock Monkey ornament!
This snowflake found a home back in 2005, however. But how about something in a friendly lion?
Yes, Kelly, this snowflake is an ’05 one, but Cece’s snowflake for this year will be featured by Jo Whittemore at Jo’s Journal on Monday, November 5th!