Blogging for a Cure, Day 17 (including a note on yesterday’s awesome-ness)

Happy Halloween! Below is the Robert’s Snow schedule for Wednesday, October 31, 2007. Pictured here is an older snowflake, Mo Willems’ 2005 creation, entitled “Snow Devil,” done in pencil and ink. Mo’s ’07 snowflake, you’ll see below, is being featured today.
- Shawna Tenney, featured by Kate Messner at Kate’s Book Blog
- Adam Rex, featured by Stacy Dillon at Booktopia and welcome to my tweendom
- Mo Willems, featured by Pamela Coughlan at MotherReader
- Rolandas Kiaulevicius, featured by cloudscome at a wrung sponge
Did you see yesterday’s features and Linda Wingerter’s beautiful snowflake/tree-topper? Every single feature was well-done, and thanks to all participating bloggers. Want the perfect snowflake, created by Ann Koffsky, for your Hanukkah bush, as Anne at Book Buds put it? It’s a stunning papercut snowflake. Ann Koffsky told Anne, “Christmas seemed to be pretty well covered by all the other illustrators, so I wanted to create something that would speak to a Jewish audience. The hope for Peace in Jerusalem as a symbol of the larger yearning for Peace for all humanity appears over and over in Jewish liturgy and artwork. I thought it would be wonderful to extend the motif into this project as well.” You can’t miss Gretel Parker’s “Snow Rabbit,” as featured by Finding Wonderland. And you cannot miss the Matt Phelan feature and his snowflake, “She Never Misses,” with a young girl holding a snowball, ready to aim, ready to fight (pictured below). Mary Lee at A Year of Reading wrapped up her feature thusly; I have to share:
May Robert’s Snow be a giant blizzard of bidding that shuts down schools for five days. When it stops snowing, let’s meet at the park for a snowball fight. I get to be “She Never Misses,” and I personally want to throw the snowball (maybe with a rock or piece of ice in the center — he doesn’t play fair, so why should I) that hits Cancer right between the eyes so that snow goes behind his glasses and he’s blinded, he gets a bloody nose, and goes running to mommy. Take THAT, you creep, for the year of hell you gave me! And THAT for all of my friends you’ve pelted…especially the ones you’ve taken out of the game way too early.
Mary Lee, that’s just awesome. I’m trying to stop using the adjective “awesome” for everything I love, but I’m sorry, I’ll stop tomorrow, because that’s just awesome.
All the features yesterday were great. As I say every single day in case you’ve missed it, don’t forget this new page here at 7-Imp, updated daily, which lists all the illustrator features thus far in one spot, and it’s turning into a handy-dandy, way-cool illustrator resource for us Picture Book Nerds.