Co-Review: Haven Kimmel’s The Used World

For our final post over at ForeWord Magazine (we’ve been guest-blogging all month and have enjoyed it), we offer a co-review of Haven Kimmel’s latest novel, The Used World (Free Press; September 2007; review copies), which is made of awesome-ness (that’s not a very eloquent way to describe an eloquent book, but it’ll have to do for now). Eisha and I adore Haven’s books, and if you do, too, head on over to this week’s “Shelf Space” column to read our co-review, if you’re so inclined. We may — at a later date — post the co-review itself here at 7-Imp, but for now if you want to read it, you’ll have to click once. That’s not too much effort, no? Enjoy.
I clicked. I couldn’t wait. And boy-howdy, (as jules would say,) am I yearning to read that book. All those achingly beautiful quotes. And that description of the old vs. the new mothers.
I think I’ll be in love with Amos, too.
That was a review that was very, very satisfying, while at the same time, whetting my appetite for the actual book. Thanks, you imps, you.