Blogging for a Cure, Day 30: The Vladimir Shpitalnik and Little Night edition

Below is today’s Robert’s Snow schedule.
Many thanks to Elaine Magliaro for telling me about some beautiful snowflakes she saw in person at the Danforth Museum of Art in Framinghman, Massachusetts, on Sunday, November 4th (here is her post about it). These are snowflakes who haven’t been assigned to a blogger in the Blogging for a Cure effort, so I was able to snag images of them from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and will be showing them to you over the next couple of days.
This one is from set and costume designer, artist, and illustrator Vladimir Shpitalnik, and isn’t it just breathtaking? Here’s the link to the illustration page of his web site. His most recent book, written with Connie Evans, is Sasha and Babushka: A Story of Russia (published by Soundprints, and I’m having trouble figuring out if the copyright date is ’06 or ’07, but it’s one of those).
Also, please note the comment from illustrator Yuyi Morales at this older post. Thank goodness, she wants to clarify that her beautiful ’07 snowflake for Robert’s Snow, “Little Night: See Me Shine” (pictured above), is actually a music box. Be still, my heart. Just when we thought that snowflake couldn’t be any better, we find out it plays music. Squee! Yuyi also created this video about the creation of the snowflake, which tells you much more about it. Just look at the close-ups of Little Night’s snowflake-covered cloud-for-hair. I love it! This is not something you can necessarily see from the image of the snowflake, so thanks to Yuyi for sharing that video with us (and for sending us this alternate photo of the snowflake). This snowflake, as a reminder, can be bidded on in Auction 1.
One more quick note: The current Horn Book Podcast features an interview with Grace Lin and Alvina Ling, in which Grace talks a bit about the Robert’s Snow fundraising efforts.
If you missed them, you can read yesterday’s features here. And don’t forget this page where all the features are being compiled in one spot.
Here is today’s schedule:
- Cynthia Decker, featured by Pam Calvert at The Silver Lining
- Cecily Lang, featured by Kate Messner at Kate’s Book Blog
- Jane Dyer, featured by Emily Beeson at Whimsy Books
- Akemi Gutierrez, featured by Gina Ruiz at AmoXcalli and Cuentecitos
- Lee White, featured by Josephine Cameron at Please Come Flying
Squee! to the music box and the lovely Russian snowflake.
I think Little Night is beautiful on just TOO many levels; just the fact that she’s so dark — yet thought of not as bad but as beautiful in her own right… and the music box!!! Makes me all misty. I love music boxes. I love that this thing lights up. I will NEVER be able to afford it!! But oh — me and so many others are going to try!!!!!!!!!
Oh TadMack, I wish I could buy it for you, punkin head. Yes, I just called you punkin head, ’cause I wanna reach out and give you a hug and some Little Night consolation. Punkin head is just what came out. And that’s ’cause I understand what you mean — it is GORGEOUS.
I wish I could buy snowflakes for everyone on my holiday list this year. But at least we can ooh and ahhh and enjoy.
Besides, if you’re going to try, to at least bid on it, you never know, you might win (or whatever the appropriate verb is for an auction).
I’m pretty much always going to be Punkin Head to you, aren’t I? I’m feeling it happening…
Yes, Punkin Head.
I’m thinking ya’ll are gonna have to get a little fiercer than Punkin Head in this auction. I mean, that flake is beyond stunning. People are going to be pushing in the aisles over this one…
[…] fabulous, 3-D snowflake for the 2007 Robert’s Snow auctions, featuring Little Night herself. This link here at 7-Imp shows you a great picture of the snowflake, which plays music, and includes a […]
[…] but that woman’s frighteningly talented. Thank you Seven Impossible Things for the […]