7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #69: Featuring Fernando Falcone

Jules: We have the ever-resourceful and thoughtful Little Willow to thank for our featured illustrations this week. Knowing that we like illustration and knowing that we have a particular fondness for Alice images, Little Willow passed on the web site of Argentinian illustrator Fernando Falcone to us. And then we all three ooh’ed and aah’ed over his art work featured over there; pictured here is A Mad Tea-Party (created in 2006). And then I shamelessly asked him if we could feature some of those illustrations over here at 7-Imp. Despite our language barriers (man, I wish I spoke Spanish), he agreed to let us show his art work. Isn’t it amazing? Eisha is travelling as I type this, but I believe her words when she saw the White Rabbit here were “positively terrifying” (and that’s a compliment).
We immediately fell in love with Fernando’s style. If you like what you see here, there are plenty of images of his art work over at his site. There are two galleries over there of his arresting, gorgeous, and sometimes terrifying images. (This one pretty much nails the kinds of night terrors I sometimes had as a child.) Here’s one more Alice image.
And, as it turns out, Little Willow learned all about Fernando by reading this post over at Justine Larbalestier’s blog, in which Justine first saw some of Falcone’s art work at a book fair in Bologna while travelling. (Ooh! Ooh! I want those two Alice prints Justine pictures there!) Justine couldn’t remember the artist’s name, but Little Willow did some research and found his site. So, many thanks to both Justine and Little Willow for introducing us to one seriously kickin’ illustrator. Really, is it necessary to list kicks this week? His work could take care of all seven, I think.
(2006); A drawing from Fernando’s “Bocetos”
As a reminder, our 7-Kicks list is the meeting ground for listing Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week — whether book-related or not — that happened to you. Anyone is welcome to come list their kicks, so have at it.
1). A friend who is recovering from breast cancer and finally finished her chemo posted a picture of herself with her FIRST PONYTAILS since the chemo! This is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
2). The Barenaked Ladies just released a new children’s CD. It falls squarely into the category of Will Not Make Adults Want to Gag, though—as Alkelda pointed out recently—there’s enough non-Barney-esque music anymore to guarantee that we probably don’t need to qualify children’s music that way any longer. I think I enjoy this CD as much as—if not more—than my own children. Here’s one of my favorites (and with art work and animation from Kevin Hearn), which could be a 7-Imp Song, since we feature so many illustrators here. I love the opening blueberry pancake with wings, though if I saw it in the sky, I’d still have to grab it and eat it:
3). Hearing David Sedaris read one of his essays on his live-from-Carnegie-Hall CD in my car and laughing so hard I thought I’d have to pull over. I was laughing so hard that my four-year-old thought I was weeping.
4). My husband and I celebrated the 10th anniversary of our first date this week — and with a delicious, kid-free dinner out.
5). Speaking of my husband and children and dinner . . . my husband and I started a new tradition fairly recently where, at the beginning of each meal, we take hands with our girls, one of them counts to three, and we all squeeze one another’s hands three times for “I” and “love” and “you.” We decided to add to this last night by declaring that we would also, before each meal, share one thing that we’re grateful for, maybe something that happened that day. We figured this would be a fairly meaningful way to pause and appreciate before each meal and explained to our daughters—not being sure if they really knew what “grateful” meant—that they’d have to name something they were “happy for.” I started and said I was happy for my husband and children. My husband said he was happy to have spent the entire day, not at work, but with all his girls.
My oldest was all, I’m happy for my birthday presents! Her birthday was almost half a year ago. Then, the littlest said, “I’m happy for CHRISTMAS!”
So much for meaningful.
It was a pretty funny moment anyway.
6). I volunteer-taught a Books-and-Babies program at my local library this week, and I survived.
7). Our kidlitosphere peeps. I’ve been behind and a bit sporadic with my blog-reading (there’s an interesting conversation over at this post at Chicken Spaghetti which partly addresses how easy it is to get behind on kidlitosphere blog-reading), but when I did have time yesterday to get caught up I was greatly rewarded. To name just several things: Cloudscome’s beautiful, original sestina; the John Donne poem Kelly Fineman shared on Friday and, as always, her thoughts on it; “Blues” by Elizabeth Alexander, which Jama shared on Friday; The Birds Barbie doll, which was posted about here but I first learned about at Gwenda’s blog; the improv Commitment Meter, pictured below, which I learned about via a Sara post (and do you think I can lift the phrase “awesome town” and use it here at 7-Imp?); and chatting with Laurel Snyder this week, who cracks. me. up. Not to mention, the NEW ELEPHANT AND PIGGIE GAME at Mo’s site. I’m yelling that, ’cause it’s so fun. You get to make them dance. See for yourself.
Don’t you think this wonderful chart can apply to MUCH MORE in life, not just improv?
7½). Chocolate pecan pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert last night.
Hey, I’m actually in the Berkshires again this weekend – just saw my husband’s latest show. It was awesome. It’s very very late, though, and I’m kinda beat, so I’ll just let that be my one big kick for the week.
Oh, and the tea party scene up there, of course. I LOVE it.
What are your kicks this week? And how eye-popping are those Falcone illustrations?
I love that you and your Honey know how to celebrate everything. I don’t even know when my first date with D. was… sometime in the early nineties, in March? Anyway. My kicks:
My A#1Kick This Week ~ SLEEP. Because I finally got about ten consecutive hours last night. Don’t know what’s up with the major insomnia, but can only hope that it is at last going away.
(I should add a special kick in here for The Boy, who’s been putting up with some really crappy moods and me prowling around — and gnashing my teeth — at odd hours of the night. He said, “If you get lonely, wake me up.” That’s some devotion, there. Or else some really strong reverse psychology.)
BOOKS: Receiving Helen Hemphill’s DEADWOOD JONES book. That moved RIGHT up to the top of my TBR list, like, pronto.
COLD: Yes, as I write this, there’s a freak hailstorm going on outside. Awesome. After watching it hit 105° in California the other week (and seeing the temp be 115° in the car) I was done with summer anyway.
THE DANISH: Because they invented the pastry, and made one yesterday, and it is TOO GOOD to have in the house much longer.
REVIEWS and NEWSPAPER Stuff: The Center for Children’s Books were really positive in their review of ALC, and the local paper in my city has asked to do an in-depth piece on me – which is really supportive of them.
THE FLOOR: I’m beginning to be able to find it — after a.) moving b.) going to the U.S. for fifteen days, we are now home to unpack, find the kitchen, and actually BE here now, and it’s really, really good. I’m starting to feel mildly less insane.
Wish everyone a week of shining contentments.
Okay, now, that big white rabbit is scaring me (notice how Alice cowers away from him in both illos)? Am a little confused, too. Isn’t that the March Hare at the tea party? He’s a different character from the White Rabbit, right? Has Fernando depicted them as one and the same? Whatever the case may be, his work is definitely awesome, and I LOVE saying his name. Makes me want to date a bull fighter.
Lazy Summer Kicks:
1. Fernando Falcone.
2. Finally saw “Waitress” and LOVED it (blogged about it today). Never saw such beautiful pie footage.
3. Loving the new Paddington book, HERE AND NOW.
4. Took some snaps of my hometown yesterday, as part of this week’s Live Journal “Daily Photo” challenge, brainchild of Cynthia Lord.
5. My parents are planning to visit us in early October! Not a small feat, for an 83 and 93-year-old.
6. Had some yummy Korean food last night.
7. David Small interview! You Imps are the best!
Have a good week, everyone.
Boy, do I love that flying blueberry pancake :).
Those illustrations are wickedly creepy. Happy 10th Jules!! Sounds like a great weekend Eisha! Chuck says hello to you both.
Agreed that sleep is a wonderful thing, Tadmack and I had pie drems after watching Waitress!
My kicks:
Traveling with husband ond our pooches! It is going so well! Yesterday we dunked in the Colorado River (and dogs too!) It was 111 there and then headed to our destination of Flagstaff to see friends.
Flag is in the low 80’s and nights with 40’s. We are in Flag for 3-4 days, then CA and home.
This servers for 7 kicks this week.
That BC kick #1 is a great one. So is celebrating with the kids, and an anniversary, and husbands’ shows, and Tadmack’s D, and kickass illustrations. And 7 kicks.
My kicks this week:
1) Headed to Scotland on Friday. Wahoo! (This kick is tempered slightly by the fact my husband can’t go this year. Too.Much.Work.Assigned.By.Boss. Blerg. Will have parents, though, instead.) Hope to see Tadmack!!
2) Wimbelton. I hardly ever watch sports, but tennis is the one I watched and played as a kid. Brings me back every year. I love Nadal and he’s kicking butt, and I love the Williams sisters and they always do well over in England. Fun all around.
3) Prescription sunglasses. I’m 41. I’ve been wearing glasses or contacts since I was 12 years old. I’ve never treated myself to a pair of prescription sunglasses. Can I just say they are rockin’ my world?
4) Audiobooks. When you have a ton of cleaning, packing, organizing to do and can listen to a good book at the same time? Happiness.
5) My critique groups. I am lucky with them both. I like reading everyone’s stuff, and I get the best advice from them all.
6) Scotland? London? France? One week each. ‘Nuff said, especially in this economy. Thanks to the rents for letting us freeload in 2 of the 3 places.
7) California pizza kitchen frozen pizza.
Whew! I am one lucky person. Thanks to the Imps for letting me see the truth 🙂
Happy week everyone!
TadMack, I’m looking forward to reading Deadwood Jones, too. And I’m glad you’re getting caught up on sleep and feeling the ground underneath you. And ooh! ooh! Congrats on the good reviews. Will you share the in-depth piece with us, once it’s done?
Jama, yes, I assume it’s the March Hare at the tea party and the White Rabbit with the watch. They do look similar, but we can only assume they’re different. At least the White Rabbit’s loooong legs wouldn’t fit under that table, right? But who knows. I can’t claim to have read Fernando’s mind.
And I wanna see “Waitress,” too. The other night I rather foolishly got the entire second season of The Sopranos on DVD from Blockbuster. My husband and I have five nights to watch 13 episodes, I think it is. We’re gonna make it, I think, but I’m never doing that again. Love the show, but yeesh. Too much t.v. in one week.
Oh and thanks for liking our David Small interview. He made it easy. With his awesomeness and all that.
Jone, we’re flattered that you thought to come visit us when you’re travelling. I’m so glad you’re having fun. And the pooches, too. Hi back to Chuck!
Kelly, WAHOO! I’m so jealous! But have lots of fun and very safe travels. I also am not a sports person but like watching tennis. And I’ve also never had prescription sunglasses ’cause I’m afraid I’d lose them. Maybe I need to finally just invest, though, and make a point not to be scatter-brained. Blah blah I’m rambling and being boring. Anyway, I’m glad you had a good week, and have too much fun in your travels! Hope you get to see TadMack, too.
OK, everybody’s talking about that scary rabbit, but what about that WOLF? And the bug-thing?? Or is everyone else good with that? Eeek. Love it all, though.
Good week of hard work here. That’s kick #1.
2) I needed to make tea for a friend, and miracle! I had one bag of her favorite, Earl Gray.
3) My daughter just sent me her first “color astro image of a globular cluster.” I’m not sure what that signifies, but oooh, it’s pretty. Plus, she says she might revive her childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.
4) My favorite yoga teacher is teaching out of her home, which is two minutes from me! I need this SO badly after crouching over a keyboard.
5) My niece had a great week at the Hole in the Wall Gang camp. And she’s probably going to get accepted into another clinical trial this month.
6) Letters From Rapunzel turned up in the July issue of Book Links! Woo-hoo…maybe that’s the issue being handed out on the convention floor in Anaheim this week?
7) That Dork Commitment meter. I would like a poster-sized version for my office. Or a little, personal hand-held meter that beeps at me whenever I’m flatlining in the first two zones.
Oh, one more thing. Jennie at BiblioFile is doing the reading marathon for Reading is Fundamental. She’s wrapping it up, but I don’t think it’s too late to sponsor her if you want to! http://tushuguan.blogspot.com/2008/06/hour-24.html
Wow, great pictures this week. Your new family tradition sounds like fun, Jules.
I hope you continue to get lots of sleep Tadmack, insomnia sucks!
Jama, your post has inspired me to put Waitress on hold.
1. I had to drive a group of people to our work’s farm this week, which made me nervous as I’m not a fan of driving, but it all went fine. Everyone enjoyed themselves in the great weather. We made bug houses and I now have one gracing the backyard
2. A colleague brought in her 3 month old baby and I got to have a cuddle. So cute! (maybe not as cute as your punkin head nephew, though, Eisha)
3. I made my passionfruit melting moments for a work meeting and they were much admired
4. Continuing the baking streak I made brownies for someone’s birthday tomorrow and they are YUMMY
5. Today we took advantage of the nice weather and went for a bike ride across the common to the next town. I saw and heard my first skylarks!
6. I have so many good books lined up to read!
7. We’re just about to head out for birthday drinks for a friend – social events are still rarer here so are much appreciated!
Oooooh, I love this artwork! I have to get ready for work or I’d post some kicks…but here’s my biggest one: summer has finally come to the mountains! We’re having a BBQ tonight, and tomorrow we’re going to kick around the Grand Teton National Park. Joy!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Alice rules!
Brunette Alice rules!
Jules: Congratulations to your friend! How awesome. Yesterday, I spoke to a woman who had just had a haircut, and she said it was her first since chemo. We all rejoiced for her.
Your munchkins are hilarious.
I just played the Piggie Dance. Happy Hooves is the best move there.
eisha: Kudos for your husband and the other cast and crew members!
My kicks, in chronological order:
1) Working, counting, sorting, and passing with flying colours
2) Standing up for myself
3) Sticking it out and refusing to give up
4) Interpreting art to determine the lives of strangers
5) Sharing stories
6) Getting some sleep
7) Looking ahead
My goodness, all this talking of danishes and pies is too, too much. I had a fantastic piece of cheese-cake yesterday at a barbecue, and I’m still reeling.
1) My big kick today is that my daughter loves ABBA and thinks it’s so hilarious the way Agnetha and Ani-Frid dance that she has to imitate it: http://saintsandspinners.blogspot.com/2008/06/love-is-tune-you-hum-de-hum-hum.html
2) In two weeks, I’m meeting up with A.Fortis of Finding Wonderland, Colleen of Chasing Ray, and Jackie of Interactive Reader in Seattle, WA on July 9. Are there other kidlit bloggers in Seattle who want to meet up as well? I can probably change the reservation number easily at this point, so speak up if you’re interested.
3) More gigs1
4) The first of my apricot roses bloomed the other day. I’ve been having a hard time with black spot fungus on my roses, and have rued the day I planted them. The apricot roses seem to be faring okay, though.
5) This is silly, but I spent $$ on a recycling and trash system in our kitchen that is tidy and hands-free. Our kitchen is so small that we have to be smart about our space. Previously, we had three big IKEA bins. Now, we have one streamlined steel bin with two compartments. With hands-free trash, there can be no more excuses for putting teabags in the sink!
6) I finally have an old, musty (how do I get it out) copy of Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever. It has twenty more pages than the edition being sold today. I’m fine with not having the stereotypical Native American Indians in the new version, but why oh why did they get rid of the orchestra, flowers, and birds pages? Plus, that dinosaur mural and color ferris wheel rocked.
7) Have you seen those nifty new shopping bags that fold up into a wee bag so that you can stuff one into your purse? Island Books has snazzy versions of those bags. I got two with my credit from my pj storytime gig last Thursday.
I’ll check back throughout the day to read everyone else’s kicks. P.S. Little Willow, I’m a fan f brunette Alice too.
Jules Happy Anniversary! I think it takes a while of having to come up with something to be grateful for before one starts to really notice the little unique things. Everyone starts out with the biggies: family, Christmas, etc. Then when you’ve mentioned all those you have to start looking for sweet things like “my sister shared her band aid” or something immediate, you know? I think that’s a great tradition and one that will positively effect all of you forever.
Love the Fernando art. It is scary though, isn’t it? Expressions of nightmare. And that’s the first I’d heard Barenaked Ladies. It’s great!
My kicks:
1. Picking raspberries at my parent’s house and making raspberry sorbet. Yum
2. Starting a new work out at the Y. I joined for the kids, and now am taking it for myself.
3. My littlest one is old enough for summer camp. I get three hours four mornings a week of just ME. I spent the first week running errands, granted. But! Five more weeks!
4. Basil tea with leaves picked from my garden.
5. Exploring Twitter. Tag your tweets #reading and #kidlit when applicable and we’ll all know what you’re reading. (I’m cloudscome there too)
6. My 5 y.o. reads me a story every night. Charming! He is sailing through Bob Books, sets one through three so far.
7. The Pool. Say no more.
Sara, congrats on having a productive writing week! And if your daughter does the astronaut thing, I’ll be cheering for her. I wanted to do that when I was little, too. I was OBSESSED with outer space. I had a subscription to Astronomy magazine when I was about seven. Then, I figured out how good you have to be at math to do it.
That’s GREAT news about your niece, too. And may I start using the phrase “flatlining in the Dork Zone”?
Emmaco: Skylarks. Excellent.
Tracy, I figured that you, of all people (and Terry, too), would really appreciate the Improv Commitment Meter. Happy summer-in-Wyoming!
Little Willow, I’ve played the Elephant & Piggie dance games so much—on account of my wee girls loving it so fervently—that I can give you some super special tips: If you line up some dances just right, the word “combo” flashes, and they are dances E & P do TOGETHER. Try Piggie Jiggie and The Shy Guy together. Or Happy Hooves and Jumbo Gumbo. Or Air Piggie and The Elephant Slide.
Yep, I’ve watched my girls make them dance a lot.
Alkelda, how cool that you get to meet all those bloggers. If I tell you to tell them hi, will I get more listing in future video credits? Hee hee. And, no, I’ve never seen kick #7. Where do you find them (other than Island Books)?
Cloudscome, I know nothing about Twitter, but it seems to be all the rage. Congrats on your MeTime. And, yes, I’m hoping after a while, the things my girls declare as being grateful for won’t be about, well, toys. The Littlest mentioned Christmas AGAIN today. She’s ready for more loot, I guess.
Oh Alkelda and Little Willow, Charles Robinson painted a brunette Alice I have hanging in my kitchen (tea party image), but I can’t find it online to show you. Shoot.
Happy Sunday, Jules and Eisha!
I haven’t been blogging this week. My husband and I came out to New Mexico for a family wedding and we are having the time of our lives with family and friends. the Hyatt Regency Tamaya outside of Albequerque is the BEST place I have ever stayed in my life. The Saturday evening wedding was a blast. I bought some beautiful jewelry made by Native American artisans in Santa Fe and here at the resort. A number of us who traveled out to NM for the wedding love it here so much that we can’t wait to come back.
I’m sorry that we have to leave tomorrow–but it’s been a great vacation.
cloudscome: Woo hoo for your munchkin reading to you regularly! I cannot stand someone reading to me – never have, not even when I was tiny – When my mother tried, I would shut the book and say, “Teach me how. I want to do it. I want to read,” and she did, and I did, and that’s why and how I started reading so early in life – yet if it’s someone super little reading out loud to me (and properly) I not only tolerate it, I applaud it. I will never forget a little girl named Natalie trying to read Peter Rabbit to me at the store one day after storytime. Never.
Jules: I am all about the Happy Hooves. I am on the hunt for the Charles Robinson rendition of Alice. You better believe it.
So far, I’ve found this, which is not Alice, but it is Robinson, and it is gorgeous. I want it. It makes me think of Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden. It is from Four Gardens by Emily Handasyde Buchanan. It is not available at my library. Drat.
That image is sourced from this list of pretty, pretty classic books.
Here are some additional collectible Alices. I actually own the Looking Glass illustrated by Malcolm Ashman – I found it at a used bookstore and had never seen it nor heard of him prior to that discovery, and I haven’t seen nor found his matching Wonderland.
I FOUND IT! This page led HERE! It has scanned pages & images! Oh my goodness, I think it has the ENTIRE BOOK. I think I may have to read this. NO! I can’t now! I must bookmark it for later! Oh, so pretty…
Jules: Happy 10th anniversary of your first date, by the way!
Here is the link to a company that makes the bags: http://www.envirosax.com/
I got my husband the kids’ one of the two dinosaurs to carry in his coat pocket. Of course, it’s so hot now (we had no spring– just a long, long winter, followed by summer. I’m still reeling) that no one is wearing coats.
Elaine, I’m so glad you’re getting a blogging break and having a great time in New Mexico. That is really good to hear. Thanks for stopping by!
Little Willow, you are THE master researcher. Yes, you found it. My husband scanned the image for me (I took it out of its frame), and then I flipped through the book you found online anyway and see that image on page 94a. That’s it! But I’ll go ahead and include the image he scanned here:
Robinson’s work dates circa early 1900s, so I’m assuming it’s okay for me to post this image. Public domain and all that. Anyway, there she is, another brunette Alice. I see her every morning when I get my coffee.
Thanks for the link, Alkelda. I’m gonna go look.
It’s always nice to come in late on Kicks Day because then I get to read everyone’s good things, and it puts me in exactly the right frame of mind.
Jules, I love that idea of expressing gratitude at mealtimes. Those girls will catch on. 🙂
Eisha, Yay to traveling, and yay to your husband, too!
Sara, I am so with you on the wolf. Those illustrations are cool and kind of scary. And cool. And scary. I keep flopping.
My kicks:
1. On Tuesday morning, we had our first storytime in the park for the summer, and 115 kids showed up. And it didn’t rain.
2. On Tuesday afternoon, I went and told stories at Lucas’s school.
3. I’ve been going to tell stories at Lucas’s school ever since he started Kindergarten (he’s finishing third grade this year, which is impossible, as he was a baby just, like, five minutes ago), but this is the first time my co-children’s-librarian at WPL, Jason, went with me. It was very nice of him to do this.
4. And it also gave us the opportunity to do some really fun tandem stories we’ve been working on.
5. And the kids were a wonderful audience. They always are. In fact, when I told them we were done, they ABSOLUTELY INSISTED that I tell “Monkey Face,” because I’ve told it every other year and they were not letting me go without hearing it. How sweet is that? Sweet.
6. Fresh produce–strawberries, sweet peas, lettuces, spinach, radishes, yum.
7. I had a little bit of spare money, so I was at long last able to buy a screen door to replace the sad, sad, falling-apart one on the door that leads to my backyard. My father-in-law put it up for me today, and it’s perfect, everything I ever wanted in a screen door.
Those illustrations are amazing…the wolf with red riding hood is so sinister. And jules, congrats on the 10 year first date anniversary, that is so cool.
And Little Willow, did you try the Happy Hooves/Funky Trunky combination? There is a nice surprise with that one. Shakin Bacon was also pretty great with all of the giggling.
Also, David Sedaris just rocks. I saw him live several years ago in New Orleans and it was so much fun. But my very first experience of him was reading the story “Jesus Shaves” online while seated at my desk at a somewhat serious job – and almost falling out of my swivel chair I was laughing so hard! http://www.esquire.com/features/three-stories-sedaris-0300 (Scroll down to story number 2 in this link.)
And Alkelda, your daughter is adorable, and watching/listneing to her prompted about an hour of youtube watching for ABBA – very fun!
My 7 kicks this week are all of the above, plus:
The David Small interview, just wonderful. And then the comments by Jane Yolen, also wonderful. I am a huge huge Yolen fan, Briar Rose is a big fave, as is her Merlin trilogy. And I just finished reading two of her books to preview for a niece and nephew, The Sword of the Rightful King, and The Sea Man.
And a food kick – making the Tarragon Chicken Salad recipe from The New Basics Cookbook -simple but quite tasty!
Why she has long hair on the cover unlike the bob she sports throughout the rest of the book, I don’t know, but otherwise, many yays.
I love research.
Adrienne, WOO! to the super turnout! That is seriously fantastic. At least seventeen kinds of fantastic. HOO!
Just played the combo dances.
Adrienne, I’m so glad that storytelling in the park worked out and especially the storytelling at Lucas’s school. What is “Monkey Face”?
RM, O thank you thank you for that Sedaris link. I’m so intrigued and already laughing at the title. I will read today when I get a chance — all three stories, in fact. Wahoo!
LW, yeah, I noticed inconsistencies in those Alice images, too. I looked through most of the book anyway. But I’m still so glad you found it online.
Hey, everybody! Sorry, we got back later than anticipated last night and I haven’t had a chance to respond to ALL THESE LOVELY KICKS until now. So:
TadMack, congrats on the good review! I’m also looking forward to reading the in-depth story. Not to mention the book itself!
Jama, you are reason #438 that I really need to see Waitress already. Reason #439: pie.
Jone, please give my HELLO right back to Chuck. And I hope you post some pics when you get back – that sounds lovely.
Kelly, please take me with you.
Sara, I have no idea what your daughter is making images of, but it sounds very impressive. And congrats on the Book Links mention.
emmaco, passionfruit melting moments sound obscenely good, just going by the name alone. Brownies aren’t too bad, either.
Tracy, hope you had fun with the BBQ and the park – sounds like the perfect summer combo.
Little Willow, way to throw down with your mad research skillz, yo.
Alkelda, congrats on the roses and gigs, and I covet anything that makes trash/recycling hands-free. Also, I just got a couple of the Target versions of those bags and they ROCK.
cloudscome, how awesome that your 5-year-old is reading to you! And that you get some you-time in the mornings! Woo!
Elaine, that sounds truly lovely. Glad you had such a great time.
adrienne, obviously you are a ROCK STAR. congrats on the successful storytimes.
rmpreston, I also thank you for the Sedaris link, but will try to save it for when I’m at work so I can get the full effect.
Jules, here’s my version of Little Monkey Face demonstrated clumsily with the Paint feature: http://saintsandspinners.blogspot.com/2007/06/little-monkey-face.html
Thanks, Alkelda. Never heard that story before.
[…] Last, but not least, Fernando Falcone gave us permission to post this in one of the page headers of our […]
[…] every Sunday we feature the art work of different illustrators/artists, and a couple weeks ago, we featured Argentinian illustrator Fernando Falcone. We opened that feature with his Mad Tea Party image, […]
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?