Co-Poetry Friday: A Painfully Bad, Wretchedly Awful Original Poem in Two Voices

h1 July 4th, 2008 by Eisha and Jules

Author Lynn Hazen asked us a good while ago to create a really bad poem for the Bad Poetry Friday contest she has going on over at her Imaginary Blog. We thought this sounded like a mighty fun thing to do, though M.T. Anderson is a tough act to follow with his touching poem about Peg. One-legged chickens. Pre-scrambled eggs and all that.

So, Eisha and I decided to write a sucktacular poem in two voices. Lynn is going to post it today, or so she said last night over at her fun blog. This means our Poetry Friday entry today is yet-to-come. Since I just KNOW you’re sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for our obscenely bad poem, I’ll update this post later.

In the meantime, Happy Poetry Friday, happy firecrackers and grilling out and such, and visit In Search of Giants for the poetry round-up today.

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Addendum: Here it is. Happy (Bad) Poetry Friday to all . . .

6 comments to “Co-Poetry Friday: A Painfully Bad, Wretchedly Awful Original Poem in Two Voices”

  1. Oh, the critic is hilarious! The whole thing is … so… special…

  2. That is so freakin’ funny, you two. So many lines in there that I liked, especially “life-giving tasty.” THAT should be a t-shirt.

    Party on.

  3. That must have taken a boat load of work to make it hang together so well! Too bad it’s about coffee, which I am supposed to be giving up. I’m off the wagon now girls.Thanks!

  4. You guys have some mad rhyming skillz! I mean, come on, you’re going to make me look bad here.

  5. That impressive rhyming can be attritubed to eisha. I took care of the painful free verse.

  6. […] – bookmarked by 1 members originally found by kataclisma on 2008-11-14 Co-Poetry Friday: A Painfully Bad Original Poemin Two Voices – bookmarked by 1 members originally found by […]

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