A 2016 Picture Book Preview, Featuring Iacopo Bruno, Bryan Collier, Laura Dronzek, Rick Lieder, Josée Masse, Yuyi Morales, Zachariah OHora, and Red Nose Studio

h1 January 12th, 2016 by jules


Pictured above is one of the characters from Ame Dyckman’s upcoming picture book (coming in April), illustrated by Zachariah OHora. I love this girl’s shock of red hair. She’s welcoming you all to a sort of illustration dump today. Well, that phrasing sounds very ineloquent, but it’s a happy thing.

About two weeks ago, I wrote over here at Kirkus about some upcoming early-2016 picture books—-collaborations between authors and illustrators, some new pairings and some to which we readers are accustomed—and I follow up today here at 7-Imp with some art from each one.



From Kevin Henkes’s When Spring Comes,
illustrated by Laura Dronzek
(coming in February from Greenwillow):


“And Spring will call out the pussy willows and new kittens, too.”
(Click to enlarge spread)


The opening endpapers
(Click to enlarge)



From Marilyn Singer’s Echo Echo,
illustrated by Josée Masse
(coming in February from Dial):


From “Pandora and the Box”
(Click image to read poem and see spread in its entirety)


From “Narcissus and Echo”
(Click image to read poem and see spread in its entirety)



From Helen Frost’s Among a Thousand Fireflies,
illustrated by Rick Lieder
(coming in March from Candlewick):


(Click either image to see spread in its entirety)


“Eleven. / Twenty. / Hundreds. / Thousands. / Countless bright / flashes.
How will she find / one firefly / among so many?”

(Click to enlarge spread)



From Shana Corey’s The Secret Subway,
illustrated by Red Nose Studio
(coming in March from Schwartz & Wade):


“From politicians to peddlers, street sweepers to scientists, everyone had ideas. ‘Why not make a moving street, so we can get wherever we want just by standing still?'”
(Click to enlarge and read full text)


“Then one day, high above it all, a man named Alfred Ely Beach
stared down at the traffic and had an idea of his own. …”



From Ame Dyckman’s Horrible Bear!,
illustrated by Zachariah OHora
(coming in April from Little, Brown):


(Click to enlarge spread)



From Mara Rockliff’s
Anything But Ordinary Addie,
illustrated by Iacopo Bruno
(coming in April from Candlewick):


“Addie never wanted to be ordinary.”
(Click to enlarge spread)


(Click to enlarge spread)



From Sherman Alexie’s Thunder Boy Jr.,
illustrated by Yuyi Morales
(coming in May from Little, Brown):


(Click to enlarge spread)


“I dream of traveling the world …”
(Click to enlarge spread)



From Diana Murray’s City Shapes,
illustrated by Bryan Collier
(coming in June from Little, Brown):


“Some SHAPES in the city are … CIRCLES, so round.”
(Click to enlarge spread)


“At sunset the city is softly aglow / as chitchatting crowds hustle-bustle below, / when off in the distance a melody hums. / It’s hard not to follow the sound of the drums.”
(Click to enlarge spread)



* * * * * * *

AMONG A THOUSAND FIREFLIES. Text copyright © 2016 by Helen Frost. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Rick Lieder. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.

ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY ADDIE. Text copyright © 2016 by Mara Rockliff. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Iacopo Bruno. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.

CITY SHAPES. Text copyright © 2016 by Diana Murray. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Bryan Collier. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Little, Brown, New York.

ECHO ECHO: REVERSO POEMS ABOUT GREEK MYTHS. Text copyright © 2016 by Marilyn Singer. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Josée Masse. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Dial Books for Young Readers, New York.

HORRIBLE BEAR! Text copyright © 2016 by Ame Dyckman. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Zachariah OHora. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Little, Brown, New York.

THE SECRET SUBWAY. Text copyright © 2016 by Shana Corey. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Red Nose Studio. Published by Schwartz & Wade Books, New York. Illustrations reproduced by permission of Shana Corey.

THUNDER BOY JR. Text copyright © 2016 by Sherman Alexie. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Yuyi Morales. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Little, Brown, New York.

WHEN SPRING COMES. Text copyright © 2016 by Kevin Henkes. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Laura Dronzek. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Greenwillow Books, New York.

4 comments to “A 2016 Picture Book Preview, Featuring Iacopo Bruno, Bryan Collier, Laura Dronzek, Rick Lieder, Josée Masse, Yuyi Morales, Zachariah OHora, and Red Nose Studio”

  1. Oh my goodness, what a joy to behold! Giddy for all these beautiful titles! (And my big red tangle of hair looks just like the mop in Horrible Bear, so I’m buying 100 copies to share.) But Mara Rockliff’s new title! Zonkers!

  2. Or what I should have said:
    Iacopo Bruno, that book looks like a masterpiece!

  3. Gadziooks Jules! These are some fine, fine books. My credit card just exploded.

  4. Excellent! These look terrific!

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