7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #491: Featuring Antoinette Portis

I’ve got a review over at BookPage of Antoinette Portis’s entertaining new picture book, Best Frints in the Whole Universe (Neal Porter/Roaring Brook Press, July 2016).
The review is here. Now, normally I’d share some spreads from the book here, but Antoinette actually already shared some spreads from this one here at 7-Imp. When she visited in August of last year to talk about Wait, she talked about Best Frints and shared a handful of spreads. So, if you want to check those out, they are here in this post — towards the bottom.
It was fun to give you all a sneak-peek of Best Frints last year, but it’s even better to see it on shelves now.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
It’s been a rough week here in the United States, hasn’t it? It’s kind of hard to feel kicky during a sad week like the one we’ve had. I think the best thing I’ve seen has been the New Yorker cover from Kadir Nelson. And what Françoise Mouly said about it on Facebook really spoke to me. (I hope it’s okay to quote it here.)
We’re drowning in guns, mired in a nightmare we can’t seem to wake up from. A woman remains polite to a cop who has just shot her boyfriend; her four-year old tries to comfort her after the man dies; cops are targeted and shot at point blank by a crazed sniper; bystanders film another black man killed by police. It’s all so difficult, but I know I’m grateful for the simple truth of Kadir Nelson’s image on the cover of this week’s issue: A Day at the Beach–if only that could be the story right now.
I’m not sure what else to say. Except that I hope our country can heal.
My family and I are still packing packing packing. We close on our new house in less than two weeks. This has certainly kept us busy.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
I am looking forward to getting this book.
Jules, I agree, it is such a sad week and I can’t believe what is happening. Good luck with packing, that was us a year ago.
I have been lucky to be surrounded by nature’s beauty in Yellowstone and have had limited access to the Internet. Been away from Facebook and have looked at the Milky Way.
May our week be.filled with peace.
Fly by! Hi, Imps! I’ll catch up tomorrow! 🙂
This book looks so much fun! Something much needed after this week.
Jules – hope packing keeps progressing, getting close to closing is so exciting!
Jone – enjoy your time in Yellowstone!
Hi LW!
This has been a rough week. I’ve been looking to the little things to find hope this week. Snuggles with Daisy, Connections with clients. Much needed visits with good friends. Meditation & prayers.
Sending good thoughts to all of you for the coming week,
Jone: Happy travels. More Milky Way and less Facebook sounds good right about now.
Fly-by hello to Little Willow!
Rachel: Little things for hope is a good idea too. Good thoughts to all of you for this week from me too.
Antoinette Portis: Congrats on the official publication of Best Frints in the Whole Universe! Hello to Omek and Yelfred!
Jules: What a beautiful cover. Thank you for sharing. Continued good luck with the packing!
Jone: Peace is lovely. Three cheers for the Milky Way.
Rachel: Hi! Tell Daisy I chatted with a very sweet dog yesterday and found out from the human nearby that she was a retired service dog.
My kicks from last week:
1) Filming
2) Auditioning
3) Writing
4) Submitting
5) Submitting AHEAD of deadline
6) Putting myself out there
7) Hope
Hope, always.
Little Willow: Good luck with your submission(s).
Hope. Yes yes always hope.
LW: Submitting. Congrats and good luck. Hope. We must continue to.have it.
Rachel: Was so.happy to have snuggles with my Buster yesterday. Having a pet helps a lot during these weeks of sadness. Friends, prayers, and meditation rock.