Hello, Readers in Ann Arbor . . .

h1 February 13th, 2017 by jules


The Children’s Literacy Network in Ann Arbor, Michigan, asked me to come speak this week about picture books, why I love them so, and why I write about them. This will be at Literati Bookstore there in Ann Arbor.

If you live in or near Ann Arbor, I would love to see you there on Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. Here is more information.

4 comments to “Hello, Readers in Ann Arbor . . .”

  1. Break a leg and have fun! 🙂

  2. Thanks!

  3. Could you post your talk so those of us who can’t be there can still learn?

  4. Hi Denice. Sorry for my delay in responding.

    The talk was not recorded. I’m sorry! If I had seen this comment before the presentation, I would have considered it. Maybe next time?

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