Marie Dorléans’s The Night Walk

h1 April 22nd, 2021 by jules

“Outside, crickets chirped in corners of the garden.
The summer air smelled of irises and honeysuckle.”

(Click spread to enlarge)


I’ve a review over at BookPage of Marie Dorléans’s eloquent The Night Walk (Floris, April 2021), originally published in French and translated by Polly Lawson.

The review is here, and here today at 7-Imp are some spreads.



“The big hotel was wide awake: it glowed bright like a chandelier …”
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“We left the road, and the path climbed gently out of the valley. A train sliced through the darkness: wheels shrieking, carriages shaking. Then it was gone.
There was just us and the still silence.”

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“We walked slowly, lulled by the rustling of the leaves above. Then suddenly …”
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“Further on, we found a clearing. ‘Let’s lie down,’ said Mama.
We gasped at the vast, glittering sky. Grass scratched our backs.
We stayed until Papa said, ‘Let’s push on. We need to keep walking,
so we get there on time.'”

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“‘Ohhh!’ We sat quite still, warm together,
amazed by the light of a new day.”

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(Click cover to enlarge)


* * * * * * *

THE NIGHT WALK. Translated by Polly Lawson. First publsihed in French as Nous Avons Rendez-Vous by Éditions du Seuil, Paris. English text © 2020 Floris Books. Illustrations reproduced by permission of Floris Books.

One comment to “Marie Dorléans’s The Night Walk

  1. […] “השיטוט הלילי” (The Night Walk/Nous Avons Rendez-Vous), מאת Marie Dorléans, שיצא השנה בתרגום לאנגלית ושבה רבים בקסם הטיול הלילי של משפחה בדממה תחת שדה הכוכבים (דימויים כאן) […]

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