48HBC Part Five: Cabin fever

Time: Sunday, 12:45 p.m. 36.75 hours in, 11.25 to go.
Books Finished: 3. Finished Magic’s Child in the wee hours, and then read The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder between 8:30 and 10:45 a.m..
Pages Read: 802 (page count adjusted to reflect that I’d already read the first 27 pages of The Egypt Game at work the other day).
Time Spent Actually Reading: 11.25 hours.
Today is hard. I thought the weather was supposed to be all gloomy and wet all weekend, but no. It’s sunny. 70 degrees. Birds are all, like, chirping and stuff. Probably butterflies, too, doing their little fluttery thing. Flowers. Bees, wiggle-dancing about where the good pollen is. Maybe rainbows. Hell, maybe unicorns and leprechauns and shit, how would I know? I haven’t left the apartment in almost 24 hours.
I think I have to take my next book outside if I’m going to carry on. Semper Fi, ya’ll.
Ah, the grass is always greener . . . You’re dying to go outside, and what I wouldn’t give for an *entire* weekend of uninterrupted reading. I’m livin’ vicariously through you right now, man. You’re doing great! Back into the ring, you.
Well, okay, but if there are unicorns and shit, go the hell outside. Dude.
Unicorns are better than zombies!
The Egypt Game RULES.
Good call, Little Willow. Good call.
Thanks for the unlimited supply of support, J.
Good job on the reading, Eisha! What a book warrior!
Oh, you’re too kind. Really.