Blogging for a Cure, Day 11

Below is the Robert’s Snow illustrator-and-snowflake feature schedule for Thursday, October 25 (scroll down after clicking “read the rest of this entry”).
Featured here is Anna Dewdney’s snowflake for this year’s auction, entitled “Llama Llama, and His Mama” (*). Dewdney is the author of Llama Llama Red Pajama (2005, Viking Juvenile), which is loved by many parents of young children who are learning to get themselves to sleep on their own (including Yours Truly. This book is a big hit in our household. And since my husband calls me a Northerner for saying “pajama” with the short “a” sound and not the “o” sound, he likes to chuckle when I have to do otherwise when reading this book aloud. The short “a” pajama doesn’t exactly rhyme with “llama.” But, as usual, I digress). She also wrote Grumpy Gloria last year, which I reviewed here at 7-Imp. And, apparently, a new llama title, Llama Llama Mad at Mama, was just released in September (Viking Juvenile). O yes! Must see. Must see.
Anna’s snowflake will be auctioned off in Auction 1 from November 19 to 23.
Reminder that in this below schedule, the illustrator’s name links to his/her website, but click on the blog to be taken to that blogger’s snowflake/illustrator feature:
- Julia Denos, featured by Jackie Parker at Interactive Reader
- Rebecca Doughty, featured by Elizabeth Burns at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Brian Floca, featured by Betsy Bird at A Fuse #8 Production
- Margaret Chodos-Irvine, featured at readergirlz
- Anni Matsick, featured by Peggy King Anderson at A Sound From My Heart
Did you see yesterday’s features? I wish I had time to point out some highlights from all of them, as I enjoyed reading each one. Jimmy Pickering was featured at Shaken & Stirred, and you must go see those photos from his recent solo show, “sweet sweet evil.” Wow. And wow to the inspiration behind Elisa Kleven’s snowflake, too. And what does “‘Wunkala Wuff” mean, and what does it have to do with snowflakes? Adrienne can tell you.
Thanks to each and every participating blogger for these snowflake/illustrator features.
As I say every single day in case you’ve missed it, don’t forget this new page here at 7-Imp, updated daily, which lists all the illustrator features thus far in one spot, and it’s turning into a handy-dandy, way-cool illustrator resource for us Picture Book Nerds.
* In case this is the first time you’re reading about the Blogging for a Cure effort, the illustrators and snowflakes that participating bloggers are featuring are only the ones that the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute had ready to go when this multi-blog event was organized. Remember that you can see all of the snowflakes at the Robert’s Snow auction site. There are many more beautiful snowflakes by more talented children’s book illustrators.
Awww! I love llamas! My first Ogden Nash poem I memorized (all three sentences of it) was about llamas! And I LOVE the “Mad at Mama” book — I think there aren’t enough picture books (ones I’ve found, anyway) that deal with the honest emotions of childhood — much time spent being bewildered, much time spent being pissed.
Or maybe that was just me.
(Hm. Realize that might have been somewhat revealing…)
[…] Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast- Anna Dewdney (fantastico creator of Grumpy Gloria, pictured above) […]
The llama is a great character, and I adore the expressions Anna illustrates. Love those ears and the scowl on Mad At Mama! I will look for this book the next time I’m out.