1… 2… 3… SURPRISE!!!!

(Note how I make wild, flagrant use of colorful fonts and the marquee tag in your honor.)
Jules, last year for my birthday you wrote me an original poem. I have no such skill, so instead I’m throwing you a virtual party. I’m including all your favorite things. Here’s your mug of coffee:
And I’ve got cupcakes – from MagPies, of course:
Hey, guess what? Sam Phillips is here. She brought you some gifts:
Um… wow, is that a… Do you want me to stash that jar somewhere for you? ‘Kay. Thanks, Sam! That was… sweet. Really.
Oh, hey – Cracker stopped by too! And they have a song they wrote just for you:
Finally, since it’s a virtual party, here’s my virtual present to you: If it were in my power, I’d give you:
- A stack of books from here to the moon that YOU wanted to read, and were under no obligation (real or self-inflicted) to blog about.
- A week of uninterrupted reading time – no kids, no cats, no job, nothing but you and your books.
- A comfy hammock on a beach to read in.
Happy Virtual Birthday, Jules! I hope your real, actual birthday is happy, too. Wish I could be there.
Hey, does anyone else have any virtual presents or birthday wishes for Jules? You can leave ’em on the table right here, next to the hammock. Thanks for stopping by!
Happy day Jules! I will give you a wonderful meal – whatever it is that you love whether that is a gourmet dinner with all the fixings or plain old grilled cheese sandwiches.
You are a wonder and a joy in the lit blogosphere and I hope you have all that you wish for this year.
Happy Birthday Jules! We’re such nerds that you know I’m giving you dictionaries for your birthday. Picture dictionaries. Urban dictionaries. Dictionaries of slang. And then we’re going to make up new words — and make everyone else use them!!!
Happy Birthday you wonderful Jules you!! I wish you sunshine and warm breezes for your hammock time.
Here’s a flower for your hair: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cloudscome/2469509918/
Have a fun day! Take it slow and enjoy every minute!
I’m so tempted to slurp a big sip of that yummy looking coffee, but I’ll be good and instead, tell you that I’ve brought you a bottomless mug o’ coffee, which refills whenever you LOOK at it. Also, a bumper sticker for your new car. It says: Stay back: I’m blogging this! (Unless you want the My other car is Poop on a Stick one. I can exchange it.)
Have a blow-out day, Jules. And please, at least once, look in the mirror and shout: YOU CAN’T TOUCH THIS. ‘Cause it’s true.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! What a great party! Loved the cupcakes and the music!
Have a great day and a wonderful year:-)
Happy Birthday, Jules!
Since Eisha is already giving you a ton of books to read, I’m giving you some magic wallpaper. Line your house with it, and it will display art from your favorite illustrators whenever you like. All you have to do is wish!
Plus, here are 5 alphabet shaped cakes I made just for you. They spell out J-U-L-E-S!
Have a faboo day!
Happy birthday, Jules!!
Happy, happy birthday, Jules! What better gift can I give you than something from Lost?
For you, Birthday Girl:
Thanks, you all. You’re mighty sweet. And thanks to Eisha, who gave me such nice gifts in this post (oh, and my snail mail gift — I just got that and forgot to tell you, Eisha. It’s GREAT!). Anyway, the marquee tag with the colored fonts and big font size is the best of all.
Thanks again to everyone. Sara: “U CAN’T TOUCH THIS!” How’s that? And, yes, I’ll take that poop-on-a-stick bumper sticker. TadMack, the dictionaries are a brilliant idea. Nerds unite. Robin, that was a very funny video. Colleen, I’ll take a big heapin’ plate of the macaroni and cheese from scratch we like to make here at our house. Jama, the wallpaper sounds great and the alphabet cakes, too. Woot! And thanks for the beautemous flower, Andi. Mary Lee, Franki, Kelly, thanks. You all are super kind.
happy happy joy joy! coffee, cupcakes and cracker! virtual gift: i grant you the entire rest of the week off to do what you want, when you want, and insist it includes guilt-free sleep. best wishes, jules.
Jules, many happy returns of the day! For your birthday, how ’bout a big malt from the Elliston Place Soda Shop?
Happy Birthday, Jules!
I only wish we could celebrate your birthday in person–not just virtually. If any blogger deserves a special day–YOU do! I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you did to help spread the word about Robert’s Snow. You took on a tremendous amount of work. That spoke volumes to me about the kind of individual you are. It’s funny…I’ve never met you face to face–and yet I feel as if I know you.
Happy Birthday again, friend!!!
Hippo birdy 2 ewes 2 ewe. I hope it is a splendid day.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Jules,
Happy birthday to you!
I hope that you have a lovely birthday with your family. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, everybody! It wouldn’t be a party without all of you.
Oh, Jules — BIG happiness to you, friend.
Pop one of those un-blow-out-able candles in your cupcake from me, ’cause you just bring ceaseless light to the blogosphere. Oh, yes, you do…
Happy birthday, Jules! In case everyone has already eaten up the cupcakes (at 7 am!!!), here are some more from Cupcake Royale: http://www.cupcakeroyale.com/thecupcakes.html
That sun coffee art is pretty spectacular.
Happy, Happy Birthday, Jules!!!
I hope your day and the year to follow are as fabulously full of upbeat energy and genuine kindness as you always are.
Have a few cupcakes for me!
Wishing you lots of joy and laughter, with some peaceful time to yourself today!
Happy, Happy Birthday! You totally rock!
Happy day! Happy day! Happy happy happy happy day! Happy!
Hey, happy b-day Jules…
Happy birthday, Jules! Just from reading the above comments, I feel like I’ve really been to a party! I would wish you friends and appreciation, but clearly you already have those in abundance. Enjoy the day!! You deserve it.
Man, you guys really know how to make a girl feel special. Thanks! What a great gift.
Happy, happy birthday, Jules! What a fabulous party you guys throw!
What a fun party!! Happy birthday, Jules! Now, here’s a question–what do you want more: sleep or great coffee? Because you can’t have both… 😀
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a truly special one!
I like to make something for people when it’s their birthday, so I think I’d bring a pan of nice, still-warm brownies and then throw in a couple of lattes from the Leaf and Bean. Well, I should probably bring a *lot* of lattes from the L&B. I don’t want to be leaving anyone out.
Happy, happy, Jules! 🙂
Happy birthday Jules! Best wishes for a lovely spring day with time for singing to yourself in the car!
Dude, I never get this many guests at my real parties. Thanks everybody! I’m digging all the treats you’ve brought.
Thanks again to all. I wish I could thank each of you individually. I really appreciate the kind messages and virtual gifts. Coffee, brownies, more cupcakes, LATTES FROM LEAF AND BEAN, an Elliston Place Soda Shop malt! Mmmm.
I wish it were a real party and we were all in one big room.
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Jules! And sending you blue skies with white fluffy clouds to daydream beneath, pockets of time just for you, and warm hugs. I hope your birthday is a wonderful one.
And yeah–a real birthday party would be wonderful. 🙂 I wish we could have one for you, too.
Happy Birthday!
To celebrate, my dinner was Oreo ice cream; I hope you had as delicious a dinner!
Happy Happy!
Hmmm… I think I’d give you 7 peaceful nights a week, drifting off while reading.
Happy Birthday, Jules!!
“And I will make thee beds of roses
and a thousand fragrant posies”
I hope you had a marvelous day!
[…] you believe it’s been a whole year since the last time I broke out the marquee tag? Let’s see if I still remember how this […]