48HBC Part Four: Losing Ground

Time: Sunday, 12:25 a.m. 24.5 hours in, 23.5 to go.
Books Finished: 1.75. I’m on page 222 of Magic’s Child by Justine Larbalestier.
Pages Read: 545
Time Spent Actually Reading: 8 hours.
Fielded long phone calls from mother and sister. Read solidly through early evening, then fell victim to an accidental nap. Probably due to overly-fatigued eyeballs. Had an interesting dream, in which I helped Roger Sutton repaint an apartment that had been trashed by squatters while we listened to Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want To Have Fun.” I am sure this means something.
Have decided Little Willow isn’t human. Some kind of supernatural reading mutant. Further evidence: she can eat corn after oral surgery. Am now focusing competitive energies on Leila at Bookshelves of Doom. She’s hardcore, but not as scary. Also, her sister sounds like mine.
At some point, I seem to have turned into the nerdy Bridget Jones. If I start recording calorie counts, please intervene.
I love you, eisha.
Okay, second spit-take (of my coffee) of the morning as I read about your Roger Sutton dream. (The first spit-take was over reading about the Barbie Liberation Organization, which I just left a comment about at one of your other 48HBC posts).
Even if you’re feeling behind (which you shouldn’t, dearheart), it’s been fun to read your account of it all.
I love you too, Kimberly. Thanks for the support.
J – There was an earlier part of the dream where I’d written 4 of my 7 kicks in the 7Kicks post, but then fell asleep and when I woke up you’d posted it half-done, and I felt so bad. Clearly, I’m a little anxious about this whole 48HBC thing.
I don’t have any corn in my house right now. Wah.
Little Willow is awesome, but have you checked out Midwestern Lodestar?
Amazing! I think she beat Little Willow (sorry, LW).
Didn’t she win last year, too?