Blogging for a Cure, Day 15

Pictured here is Tony Diterlizzi’s 2004 snowflake for Robert’s Snow: for Cancer’s Cure, entitled “Mr. Spider’s Webby Snowflake.” Neat, huh?
Now, I’ve been featuring ’07 snowflakes lately — those, that is, which have not already or will not be featured by a blogger in this Blogging for a Cure event (remember that the illustrators and snowflakes that participating bloggers are featuring are only the ones that the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute had ready to go when this multi-blog event was organized). But, you know, I just looked at the current list of ’07 snowflakes, and all of those illustrators are scheduled to be featured or have already been featured. Those who haven’t been featured or aren’t scheduled to be covered, I wrote brief write-ups for — and featured the snowflakes, of course — here at 7-Imp last week (Jarrett J. Krosoczka’s here; Yuyi Morales’ here; Ashley Bryan’s here; Anna Dewdney’s here; Amiko Hirao’s here; Patrick Girouard’s here; and Lizzy Rockwell’s here). Unless I’m missing someone, we’ve got that list covered! So, until I see new snowflakes up there, I’ll keep showing you some of the wonderful older ones.
And remember that you can see all of the snowflakes at the Robert’s Snow auction site.
Here’s today snow forecast:
- Dan Santat, featured by Kelly Fineman at Writing and Ruminating
- Joanne Friar, featured by The Longstockings
- Alissa Imre Geis, featured by Elaine Magliaro at Wild Rose Reader
- Diane Greenseid, featured by Andrea and Mark at Just One More Book!!
- Sean Qualls, featured by Cheryl Klein at Brooklyn Arden
Did you see yesterday’s features? I wish I had time to point out some highlights from all of them, as I enjoyed reading each one. You really should go see Kelly Murphy’s snowflake, as featured by Liz Dubois at ChatRabbit. Here’s what Kelly had to say about the snowflake, entitled “The Great Crab Hunters”:
This year, I dedicate my snowflake to Connor Ciesielski, a very gentle, adventurous little boy who was truly, a great crab hunter. Connor’s true love was being on a Cape Cod beach. He enjoyed the hot days in the sun and the early evenings on the beach. It was on the beach that “Conman” was his happiest. He would fish and hunt for crabs all day. He always made sure that any sea life that he and his brother caught was always returned back to the sea so that they wouldn’t be missed by their daddy and mommy and could grow bigger in hopes of catching them again on another day. Connor passed away due to Leukemia this July 15th. He was a very brave warrior.
Connor was the son of Kelly’s cousin. Liz herself, she wrote, also had a young cousin who died of leukemia. Kelly’s snowflake is a lovely tribute to Connor. Don’t miss it, and if you can afford it, consider bidding on one of these gorgeous ’07 snowflakes.
Thanks to each and every participating blogger for these snowflake/illustrator features. As I say every single day in case you’ve missed it, don’t forget this new page here at 7-Imp, updated daily, which lists all the illustrator features thus far in one spot, and it’s turning into a handy-dandy, way-cool illustrator resource for us Picture Book Nerds.
YAY for you! You covered them all, AND kept your Halloween feature for the week. You Rawk! (which sounds like something bad globbing up from your throat, but go with my sentiment, here.)
Gah! That snowflake FREAKS ME OUT!!!
Okay, Eish, honestly? I’m quite freaked, too. The top hat seems a bit more sinister than necessary. And his hand thingies… shudder.